Revealing two new babies!

Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC
Baby gender reveal party

A couple of weeks ago, I got to go to a revealing party…A baby-gender reveal party, that is. It was for two clients of ours (who are both wonderful people, by the way) and, I have to admit, until their phone call requesting a photographer, I had never heard of such a gathering. But that does not make it any less great!

For anyone else who is totally in the dark about what a baby gender reveal party is, the basic idea is: The expectant couple hangs several “Boy or Girl” themed decorations, gathers family and friends together, and serves food, desserts, treats. For our clients, they chose to incorporate the themes into the food, including pink and blue cake balls, fruit drinks, drinking straws, and eating utensils.

Later, once everyone is just about ready to pop with anticipation, the expectant couple reveals the gender of their baby via any number of means. From pink or blue balloons to creative slide shows, there are any number of ways the reveal can happen. For our clients, the method of delivery was pink silly string. The cans were covered and, on count of three, everyone sprayed everyone else with the string. The crowd erupts, people hug, and faces become sore with smiles. It is great!

This gets me thinking. As a photographer, you consider all the things you may have the opportunity to photograph. And when it comes to stuff like this, this is what makes it worthwhile. Not only is it something I would never have expected to shoot (as, like noted before, I had no idea people did these), but it is also what keeps this profession fresh and new. I hope to do more in the future. Nothing like smiles and excitement on others’ faces to make photography such a rewarding career. Just take a look at some of the pictures included with this blog!

Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC Event photography by Abanathy Photography, LLC

Taken with my new lens
Taken with my new lens

Now, on to the other new thing to me: My new 70-200mm zoom lens! As a photographer, and as someone who believes in purchasing the best equipment one can afford, this was a big step. Not only did I do my homework and pick the best I can afford, but I also managed to snag the best Canon has to offer in this range. Let’s put it this way: There are no more bells and whistles one could squeeze into this model. For that, I would have to reconsider my zoom range.

Of course, I could always buy a longer zoom lens, but, unless my agenda ever includes giraffes crossing the African Plain or private investigation, I don’t see that as a wise investment in my near future. But for weddings and regular portrait photography, this one should get me by for a while!

I am excited about using this lens for many reasons (many of which become a little technical, so I will not go into it here) but, to say the least, I can’t wait to try this out on some brides, grooms, seniors, families, and more!

Also, along with the party photos, and in case you haven’t already seen it on Facebook, I will include a photo of my cat I took, with my new lens, from across the room. She looks vicious in this photo, but, I assure you, she was coming down from a big yawn, so her expression is not as contemptible as it looks. And I know my photo professor always hated photos of cats and forbade us from taking them, however, whenever I receive a new camera or lens, either the cat or dog is typically the first exciting subject I come across, so the cat won this one. Enjoy!

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