A woman’s perspective: why I’m so excited about “You”

Liz here! Thought I would offer Patrick a break from blogging this week because I wanted to offer a woman’s perspective about our new brand: “You”!

I’m so excited to share how these exciting sessions can be not only fun, but beneficial. First, let me go back into some of the history of our intimate sessions. When we first opened our studio, we knew that we wanted to offer boudoir sessions to our clients. Not only to keep up with trends, but because we also wanted to offer a product that women (and men) would enjoy doing “just for fun” or as a gift to a partner. Though this was a great originating idea, we felt something was missing.

After a lot of thinking, research, and speaking with our clients, the answer was there all along. I realized that the answer was me (or in essence, you)! I had to look into myself as woman and ask myself why I would want to have a boudoir session. What does it mean to be a woman, and what makes me feel sexy?

For those who don’t know me, I am not a girly-girl. Growing up I was the artsy kid who was very shy (and still am, to a degree) and I didn’t have an overwhelming desire to dress up or wear too much makeup. To this day, I don’t put a lot of emphasis on fashion or beauty, though I do have standards about how I look. You won’t see me answering the door in my pajamas, and I won’t go out in public unless I am wearing event-appropriate attire. And I do take some time for my hair and makeup (what little I do wear).

When it comes to more extreme situations, I can count the number of times on two hands where I’ve really dressed up and worn my hair and makeup to really try and look extra beautiful (primarily for weddings and special events). However, even knowing this about myself, there is still a part of me who wants to look and feel sexy every now and again.

After reflecting on what makes me feel sexy, I realized that there was so much more to boudoir than just giving sexy photos as a gift. Boudoir is an experience! And it’s not about the gift in as much as it is about what it means to feel sexy and how a woman feels about herself when she experiences a “You” session.

Picture this: you arrive for your “You” session with a few sexy outfits that you have chosen for yourself. You’re welcomed by our friendly photographer and helpful assistant who understand you may be nervous and a little unsure. Soon you realize that this is a judgement-free zone and you are encouraged to be yourself, and just have some fun!

You also have the opportunity to receive professional hair and makeup. This service is included in our top two packages, and we highly recommend treating yourself to this, as you will already begin to see that beautiful side of yourself!

After your hair and makeup, it’s time to start the shoot! The setups and props you have chosen in the pre-session consultation are ready for you and now it’s time to think of yourself as the model! This is your time to feel absolutely beautiful! If you’ve brought your own music either on CD or on an MP3 player, this can really enhance how sexy you feel! You know every woman has a soundtrack that makes her feel especially sexy. This is the time to let it play! And if you haven’t brought your own music, that’s okay, we have sexy music too!

During your shoot, feel free to make suggestions, try different poses and/or tell the photographer if you are uncomfortable in any way. The great part about these sessions is that you are in control! This is so important because this shoot is about you and what makes you feel sexy!

When the shoot ends, the magic and fun is far from over. During post-editing, we can use Photoshop to edit as much or as little as you may prefer. That’s the benefit of digital editing, it has few boundaries. If you have things about your body that you’d like to edit, just let us know (i.e. scars, marks, etc). Or, if you do have scars or marks on your body that define you as you, we can leave those intact!

On that note, coming from a female perspective, I know almost every woman has something about her body that she dislikes (I know I do!). In fact, if you have a part of your body you would prefer be avoided in a “You” session, we can easily focus instead on every other part of you that makes you feel sexy! And, if you’re one of the few women that loves every square inch of yourself, you should be very proud of that as well! Because the truth is, every woman is beautiful, regardless of what she thinks about herself. This touches on the whole reason why we decided to create our “You” sessions. Because, it’s all about you!

Next comes one of the most fun parts of every “You” session for me (and, we guarantee, for you too): The reveal! Within two weeks, you will have the opportunity to view your finished photos in our studio and order your prints and/or photo products.

Once you receive your products, it’s now totally up to you what to do with them! You can certainly give them as a gift to your partner, or you can just keep them for yourself!

And this is just the beginning! Imagine looking at these photos 20-30 years from now, remembering the time you had the confidence and bravery to pose in front of a professional photographer and camera, looking straight into the the lens with a feeling of self beauty and love for yourself. This could be a regular reminder of your inspiring spirit, and the amazing woman you are!

I could keep writing about what this experience could mean to every woman, but I think I will allow you to come to your own conclusion about what a session like this could mean for you. To me, there is always that adventurous part of me that wants to have some fun! We really don’t get to share this side of ourselves with anyone other than our significant other. So why not take the opportunity when we can?! Invest in yourself, you deserve it!

Lastly, I understand that I’m partial to the photographer here at Abanathy Photography, LLC because he is my talented, superhuman husband. But I did want to address the aspect that he is a male photographer. I understand that sometimes we as women are more comfortable being vulnerable around other women. With this, I ask is that you first consider a few key points.

First, he is a formally trained, professional photographer. He’s been photographing woman models for more than 10 years, both in portrait and fine art photography. When he’s working, he is helping you see your beauty strictly from an artistic angle.

Second, he offers a unique, objective male perspective, which can be very helpful when bringing out what is sexy to a significant other. He will not judge or push you to do anything with which you’re not comfortable. Remember, you’re always in control during these sessions.

Last, there will always be a female assistant present at every “You” session, whether it be myself or another trusted Abanathy Photography, LLC assistant.

If you would like to read further about why a male photographer should not be a sticking point, refer to Patrick’s previous blog: “You want to be my boudoir photographer?…But, you’re a dude!

In conclusion, I invite you to check out or newly designed “You” website for additional information, portfolio images, and pricing. Remember, you are beautiful, wonderful and lovely! Let us help you visit this side of yourself to see first hand just how sexy you are!

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