Wait….What! No Cheeseburgers?!

Wedding PhotographyLike any wedding photographer, I would be remiss if I had not spoken with potential clients and promoters about what people expect or want from a good wedding photographer. In doing so, I expected to hear of both the positive and negative, however, what I didn’t expect is the recurring theme of people not receiving their proofs within a reasonable amount of time…If ever!

In the negatives list (which is the area anyone needs to know well in order to improve their services) one expects to hear things like: “Well, they arrived late”, “He didn’t get the best angles”, “She missed the first kiss”. Funny thing is, I didn’t really hear these at all. However, what I have heard repeatedly is: “I didn’t get my proofs for six months”, “It took me a year to finally see the pictures”, and, some have said, years later, believe if or not, “I’ve never seen my proofs.”

To me, this whole thing is baffling. It would be like going into McDonald’s expecting them not to have salads or McRibs every time, and, instead, finding they have no cheeseburgers! I mean, taking the pictures and giving them to the client are two basic functions of the photographer! You’ve got to have the cheeseburgers!

I can even understand hearing of one photographer doing this and people issuing cautions as a result. But it is more than one. That’s what has me mystified. I have my theories as to why this might occur, (theories, mind you, not excuses), but it still does not undermine the need to be honest and recompensing with the client. Even in the face of total catastrophe, I would go before the client, hat in hand, and ask for forgiveness.

Of course, I am not going to name names, so if that is what you are waiting for, you will be disappointed. However, what I will give is a guarantee with my name on it…Literally.

Abanathy Photography, LLC 6 Week Guarantee Emblem
Abanathy Photography, LLC understands the importance of the memories created on your happiest day together. Click to read more information

“A guarantee of what?” you might ask. Well, seeing as how we understand the nail-biting wait one will undergo while anticipating seeing their wedding proofs, Abanathy Photography, LLC will guarantee your proofs to be ready with in six weeks of your wedding or we will give you all of your high-resolution photos, edited and ready to go, on a photo disc (a $100 value) for FREE!

Seeing as I cannot find any true reason why one’s wedding photos could not be available, I see no reason why I cannot offer a guarantee against it either.

Now, of course, this isn’t a put down to every other wedding photographer out there, but it is a phenomenon I am hearing/reading of more and more. Maybe we will eventually understand why this occurs and work, still, to make sure we do not become a party to this photographer Bermuda Triangle of missing wedding photos. But until that day, you have my word.

Speaking of weddings: It is definitely beginning to feel a lot more like wedding season. Blooms are sprouting, trees are on the cusp of greening up, and spring is in the air. In fact, just this past weekend under Saturday’s gorgeous blue skies and sun, we photographed a beautiful couple’s engagement pictures in Madisonville. The wedding is later this year and we cannot wait! Check out our website for the latest about our wedding offers including engagement and bridal portraits and wedding bookings!

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